The Editorial
In 2010 a new place rich of suggestions was added to the System of the “Civic Museums of Roma Capitale”, the “Casa Museo Alberto Moravia”, an apartment on the top floor in Lungotevere della Vittoria n. 1, where the writer, born in Rome in 1907, lived from 1963 to 1990, year of his death

The domestic intimacy that the place keeps unchanged, offers the opportunity to approach the with an aweless glance to one of the most important figures of the European 18th century; a complex personalità, a man of letter “engagé” supported by a sincere civil passion and a cultural curiosity which found their expression in many forms and languages. Furthermore, the museum, from 1991, is the seat of the “Association Fondo Alberto Moravia” founded by the sisters of the writer Elena Pincherle Cimino and Adriana Pincherle, from the heirs Carmen Llera and Dacia Maraini and some of Moravia’s friends , with the aim to create a “Centre” for the research and the study of his workart. The material forming part of the archive, rearranged and catalogued, are at disposition of the students and the researchers and can be consulted by appointment. There are also many activities and cultural events promted by the Association: meetings, exhibitions, international conventions, debite, editorial and film projects keeping alive the interest for the writer.